
Central New Mexico Soaring Foundation

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About us

The Central New Mexico Soaring Foundation was founded in April 2021 to promote soaring in Central New Mexico.  Our goals are to:

  • Secure the future of Soaring in Central New Mexico
  • Support lifetime learning by provide funding and resources for ground and flight training at basic, intermediate, and advanced skill levels
  • Expand opportunities to Soar to a wider community
  • Sponsor competition and individual achievement
  • Foster comradery and a sense of community
  • Achieve safer soaring
  • Support advancements in the art of soaring flight

Donations are Tax Deductible

Central New Mexico Soaring Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes and qualifies as an exempt organization as described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Donations to CNMSoaring are tax deductible.

Cash donations can be submitted online using Paypal.  For donations of goods or services please contact us at:                                                

CNM SoaringFoundation
Hangar 6 

50 George Applebay Way
Moriarty, New Mexico  87035

Phone: 505 690-7886